Student Solution


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Module 4 Lab Report

Module 4 Lab

Q 1.In your own words, describe the factors that influence diffusion explored in Activity 2.All matter is moved by energy. Using what you learned in lab this week, explain what provides the “driving force” for passive transport and how that differs from the “driving force” for active transport. Be specific.3.There are a number of molecules that are said to smell like almonds. The most infamous is the poison Hydrogen Cyanide (CHN). It has a molar mass of 27.025. Benzaldehyde (C7H6O) is also a poison that smells like almonds. It has a molar mass of 106.122. If both substances were released at the same time, which one would you smell first? Why? 4.Use what you’ve learned this week to explain the following: A. Why our cells break down waste into small molecules before excreting them B. Why we can only absorb monomers. Be specific. Answer in your own words. 5.Using what you learned both this week and last, explain why is it important that individual living organisms (such as a single person) not reach equilibrium in the concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Answer in your own words. Note that this question is not about the global cycling between aerobic respiration and photosynthesis.

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- Higher temperatures increase the energy and therefore the movement of the molecules, increasing the rate of diffusion. Lower temperatures decrease the energy of the molecules, thus decreasing the rate ofdiffusion. Molecular mass- Heavier molecules move more slowly; therefore, they diffuse more slowly than the lighter molecules. Pore size and selective permeability- Biological membranes are selectively permeable; some molecules can cross while others cannot. One way to affect this is through pore size. smaller molecules have an easier time making it across a semipermeable membrane.